Provide current and future price data of some fiat currency.
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The FX forward price is based on the calculation agent (me) in good faith via interest rate parity. Because BTC saving interest rate is zero, the forward price is the same as the future price (see Hull). Should the number differ a lot from a Joe's quote and suppose Joe faces the same fiat currency interest rate for funding mentioned below, the deal can be arbitraged.
Like all markets, some people have bull view and some people have bear view. No need to argue just deal with each other and time will tell. Joe shall be always thankful to the opposite party because his gain is always contributed by them.
- Thanks to the spot price info provided by
- Currently only future contracts of the currency are provided: USD, TWD, EUR, CNY, JPY, BRL, RUB
- The official long-term yield curve information is from
- The time zone of the date is GMT+00:00, the market data is collected and calculated at 0:10 every day. If there are holidays in the fiat currency country, the last working day data is used
- The contract code is named as currency + year. For example, USD20 is the USDBTC future contract matured at year 2020. The maturity month day of all contracts are Jun-1 of that maturity year.
- The valuation is expressed in term of BTC so that all people on Earth can use the bitcoin network as the settlement infrastructure and participate the market. If you want to receive in fiat currency, convert the BTC at your local market and at all your will after you receive it.
- Usage example: you long 1000 USD20 contract effective on Jun 28 2016 then on Dec 28 2016 your MTM is -0.463664138 = 1000 * (0.0010004741569142 - 0.0014641382952977) BTC which means you shall already pay your counterparty 0.463664138 BTC as of Dec 28 2016
- Since 2017-Aug-1, bitcoin has two forks. On 2017-Nov-10, BCH starts to become relevant. Due to the entangled nature of BTC and BCH and a natural long-term holder must have a 1:1 position, I define the bitcoin price as sum of the BTC price and BCH price, effective since 2017-Nov-12
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