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This page is add-only. Welcome to help to add entry.

  1. How to add a page?
  2. How to become a member?
  3. Do I need to pay to be a member to use this site?
    • No, you don't need to pay anything.
  4. Can I be anonymous to deal with people in BtcPeople?
    • Yes, you can be anonymous to use the SandBox or BtcDealMessage to communicate with others and get notified by subscribing the RSS feed of these deal message.
  5. Do you have some BTC transaction examples?
    • A transaction has two parts, one is the service or good to provide and the other is the cash flow. See TheBtcExample for some cash flow example.
  6. Why doesn't this site support the SSL connection to protect customers like a typical shopping site?
  7. What flavor of bitcoin is used in this site?
    • Short answer, the site encourages but doesn't force usage of the currency code ₿. Long answer, please read CoinsInMultipleChains.
  8. Why you endorse bitcoin only? you never mention other cryptography currencies.